Where We Work

We operate in 945 087km2 in Tanzania Mainland with a population of 58.01 million people. Tanzania boasts an extraordinary wealth of biodiversity at ecosystem, species, and genetic levels and is one of twelve mega-diverse countries of the world. It is one of the top five African mega-diverse countries, hosting more than one-third of the total plant species on the continent and about 20% of the large mammal population.

Tanzania is among 15 globally registering the highest number of threatened species, with at least 900 threatened species under the IUCN Red List, 2013. Almost 38% of Tanzania’s forest cover is being lost at the rate of about 400,000 ha annually and should this continue, the country would deplete its forest cover in the next 50-80 years. Similarly, more than half of inland water ecosystems (rivers, lakes, and dams) have been degraded and 90% of the wetlands are under increasing pressure losing many of their important functions.

The benefits of biodiversity in Tanzania are far-reaching from individual to local and national levels. Tanzania’s economy depends significantly on Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, and Fisheries, which in total account for approximately 65% of the GDP, 60% of the total export earnings and employs over 80% of the population.

TSCCD aims to protect endangered threatened species and habitat in Nkomazi national park and Iluma WMA. We will partner with collaborative conservation partners with stakeholders with the same goal of ensuring wildlife are safe and thriving as well people are benefiting from natural resources. We are giving High priority to Mkomazi national park and Iluma national park.

We advocate for strict environmental policies and law enforcement to address illegal encroachment, a leading cause of ecosystem degradation. Our intention is to preserve biodiversity, foster sustainable land use, and make a meaningful contribution to climate change mitigation. Our approach encompasses a variety of activities, such as community engagement, research efforts, and educational outreach, to drive impactful and enduring change.