About Us

WHO are we?

TSCCD is a non-governmental organization established in 2020 by youth Tanzanians to focus on sustainable conservation as well as empowering communities nationwide. It supports communities to efficiently use natural resources to their advantage as they protect them.  

Our Vision.

The lives of communities, wildlife, and the environment have been improved as a result of good natural resource management and conservation.

Our Mission.  

To promote sustainable wildlife and environmental conservation for community development, through proper protection and management of natural resources.

Our Objectives.

  1. To promote communities adjacent to the protected areas to manage and protect their natural resources and benefit from them and value wildlife.
  2. Create awareness to communities regarding environmental pollution and land degradation, and its effect(s) on human health, social set-up, economy, and politics.
  3. Advocate environmental policy and law enforcement to the government on illegal encroachment leading to ecosystem degradation.